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Sex and the City 3 project went on shelves.

Elira Bregu

Sex and the City with their gossiping and fashionable New York characters won’t show up for a third movie. Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda faded out of the screen since their multi-year project went on shelves.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Sarah Jessica Parker, the scriptwriter and one of the protagonists of the TV series and two subsequent feature films told on Thursday:

“Sex and the City it’s over. We’re not doing it. I’m disappointed, not just that we don’t get to tell the story and have that experience, but more so for that audience that has been so vocal in wanting another movie.”

Day after S. J. Parker’s announcement, the Canadian actress Kim Cattrall, said through her socials medias that she was responsible.

Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker

“The only ‘DEMAND’ I ever made was that I didn’t want to do a 3rd film....& that was back in 2016,” Cattrall wrote on Twitter.

HBO’s “Sex and the City” comedy series ran from 1998-2004, won multiple Emmy awards and was credited with capturing an empowering era for young women, and for its frank sex scenes.

The actresses of the movies, now in their 50s or 60s, have blown hot and cold since 2010 about whether its time to say goodbye to their gossipy.

Warner Bros, the Hollywood studio behind the first two movies, had no comment on Friday.

Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda on Sex and the City

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