The negative belief system is the root cause of creating mental and emotional blocks. These mental blocks not only damage the physical body, but also damage the energy body. Let go of deep-rooted guilt and subconscious cravings of unfulfilled desires. That way you can save yourself from severe emotional and physical blocks.
The basic emotions related to organ function are anger, happiness, worry, thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, and shock (fright).
Each organ has a related emotion; imbalance of this emotion can affect the organ’s function. For example, prolonged anger can lead to an imbalance in the liver. At the same time, liver imbalances can produce symptoms of anger, often leading to a self-effecting cycle.
In discussing the emotional aspect of the disease’s process, it is important to remember that it is normal to experience the full range of emotions. It is only when a particular emotion is experienced over a prolonged period or with great intensity that it becomes a source of imbalance.

It is obviously important for a person with severe emotional problems to get professional help from a trained psychotherapist. But even in these cases, the therapy is more effective when the corresponding organ imbalance is rectified.
Anger is associated with the liver. By its nature anger causes energy to rise, leading to a red face and red eyes, headaches, and dizziness. This matches the pattern of liver fire rising. Anger can also cause liver energy to “attack the spleen,” producing lack of appetite, indigestion, and diarrhoea (often experienced by those people who argue at the dinner table or eat while driving).
In a more long-term view, suppressed anger or frustration often causes liver energy to become stagnant; this might result in depression or menstrual disorders. Similarly, anger and irritability are often the determining factors in diagnosing liver stagnation. Many people are relieved to know their anger has a physiological basis. It is essential to avoid drinking coffee when treating anger-related liver disorders, as coffee heats the liver and greatly intensifies the condition. The anger passes as the condition clears.
The emotion of happiness is connected with the heart. A disorder related to happiness may sound difficult since most people want as much happiness in their lives as possible. The disorders from this emotion are not caused by happiness; rather, the imbalance comes from too much excitement or stimulation, or sudden good news that comes as a shock to the system.
When evaluating stress levels, psychologists look at all sources of stress, both positive and negative. Clearly, the death of a spouse or a job loss is a significant source of stress. However, a marriage, a job promotion, or a happy occasion, can also be a source of stress.
A person, who is constantly on the go, partying, and living a life of excess, can eventually develop heart imbalances with trembles, anxiety, and insomnia.
A person with heart imbalances may also exhibit emotional symptoms. A person with extreme disturbances of heart might be seen chattering happily to himself with outbursts of laughter.

A very common emotion in our stress-filled society, worry can deplete the energy of the spleen. This can cause digestive disturbances and eventually lead to chronic fatigue: A weakened spleen cannot efficiently turn food into energy, and the lungs are unable to extract energy from air efficiently. A person who worries too much “carries the weight of the world on his shoulders,”
Too much thinking or obsessing about a topic can also deplete the spleen, causing a stagnation of its energy flow. A person with this condition may exhibit such symptoms as poor appetite, forgetting to eat, and bloating after eating.
In time, the person may develop a pale complexion from a deficiency of spleen ‘energy. This can eventually affect the heart, causing the person to dream about the same subjects at night. Students are often affected by this imbalance.
Sadness or grief affects the lungs, producing fatigue, shortness of breath, crying, or depression
The emotion of fear is related to the kidneys. This relationship can readily be seen when extreme fear causes a person to urinate uncontrollably. In children, this can also manifest as bed-wetting, which psychologists have linked to insecurity and anxiety. Long-term anxiety due to worrying about the future can deplete the kidneys, leading to chronic weakness.
Shock is especially debilitating to the kidneys and heart. The “fight or flight” reaction causes an excessive release of adrenaline from the adrenal glands that sit on top of the kidneys. This causes the heart to respond with trembles, anxiety, and insomnia. Chronic stress from shock can be very debilitating to the entire system, causing a wide range of problems. Severe shock can have a long-term effect on the heart, as is evident in victims of post-traumatic stress syndrome.
From the book: Life In Abundance by Manita Bajaj (ShunyOm)