Book Description
Η Κατερίνα είναι μια όμορφη, έξυπνη και κοινωνική γυναίκα που ζει ευτυχισμένη πλάι στον γοητευτικό, ευκατάστατο σύζυγό και τη πεντάχρονη κόρη τους, ακολουθώντας πιστά τα ήθη και τα έθιμα που κληρονόμησε από τους γονείς της.
Ο έρωτας, η ευτυχία κι η πλούσια ζωή της Κατερίνας κλονίζονται όταν εκείνη αποφασίζει να καλέσει μερικές εκλεκτές φίλες για να γιορτάσουν όλες μαζί τα τριακοστά γενέθλια της. Ο παραμυθένιος κόσμος καταρρέει ξαφνικά μπροστά στα μάτια της όταν μια από τις φίλες προσπαθεί να θαμπώσει τη λάμψη της και να κλέψει τον σύζυγό της. Τότε, η Κατερίνα αντιλαμβάνεται ότι είναι παγιδευμένη μες στην ίδια της τη ζωή, εγκλωβισμένη στις ίδιες της τις αποφάσεις.
Πρόκειται για μια ιστορία εμπνευσμένη από πραγματικά γεγονότα, η οποία αποδεικνύει τη δύναμη της ανθρώπινης θέλησης για την επίτευξη μιας ιδανικής ζωής, και ο αναγνώστης καλείται να συμμετάσχει στην κατάληξή της και να δώσει το δικό του τέλος.
Book Description
1948, Joey, along with his family and fellow villagers, fled Greece to seek refuge from the ravages of a devastating civil war. A year later, even though the civil war had ended in their homeland, the refugees remained trapped as the hosting dictatorial state sealed its borders.
While war refugees wander around the world, desperately seeking a life full of promises, our hero tries to evade a destiny imposed by politicians and his brothers, yearning, at any cost, to return home to his roots. Tragedy strikes upon crossing the border, and failure will throw Joey into new traumatic experiences to survive in a mindlessly cruel society with endless restrictions.
A treacherous social environment, imprisonment, betrayal, and an ill-fated romance are some of the obstacles our protagonist is called upon to face in his quest for a better life.
Imprinting the hero's struggle with his hostile surroundings, empowering him with a life of inner Growth through Challenges, also begs the question, to what extent do politics affect the course of our lives? How will a young man with a troubled soul be shaped in an unknown society filled with prejudices, mistrust, and restrictions? Furthermore, to what extent can LOVE be a driving force towards personal and societal growth?
"Joey" is a coming-of-age story based on an actual diary that explores the journey and tribulations of a young refugee in a Communist country in the post-World War II era.
A collection of random notes, a continuum that happens to everybody, to every humane person on the earth. This book is a compilation of the self-talk that echoes inside of us. We have tried to put that into words, totally rhythmic and colorful indeed.
We have no agenda or any rules to follow, but there is a unique knowing in us, each day and each moment, it surfaces in many forms. We only wish that the pages in the book became part of your life, like the beautiful moments we carry in our hearts in our daily lives.
Author Testimony
I am feeling fortunate to write this book, as in this book, I have included the most effective ways of living a positive and happy life. Though the language is easy and simple to understand, the words are very effective in shaking you so that you can also learn this mantra of living life positively and happily. It covers all the aspects of your life – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
This book will enable you to know all your seven bodies, which is the first step to walking on the path of growth. After the first step of gaining knowledge about all the seven bodies, the book gives elaborate details about how to go stepwise till the last body. In short, in this book, I have a complete guideline of the path from 'knowing' to 'being.'
I have also included some meditation techniques with simplified instructions so that you can practice them easily, even if there is no one to teach you. In contrast, earlier meditation was considered to be something that could not be done without guidance.
And last but not least, I have also written about my own experiences that I went through while walking on the spiritual path, the experiences were tremendously enlightening and fulfilling. My heart was and is full of gratitude for my existence. The love and happiness are so overflowing that I felt compelled to share with you, my dear readers.
I hope reading this book will also persuade you to go on your own journey and find your true self. That serves my purpose in writing this book and sharing my energy with you.